Herbst® Appliance

Patients who are still in the growing phase of their lives utilize functional appliances to aid in correcting jawbone discrepancies. The Herbst appliance is made up of customized, fabricated stainless steel of surgical grade quality and a framework that's cemented to the first permanent molars in a patient's mouth. The cementing takes place at all four corners of the mouth and is connected above and below by telescoping mechanisms that help in correcting malocclusions of the Class II variety.

Learn More About Herbst® Appliance

How Does the Herbst Appliance Work?

The Herbst appliance works by exerting force upward and backward on the upper jaw in order to force the lower jaw forward. Since this appliance is typically used during the patient's growing face, the process is rather comfortable as the palate of the mouth is yet to be fused. The Herbst appliance might further be accented with stainless steel shims for greater correction needs. Usually, this appliance is worn for roughly 12 months, and severe cases require additional time as prescribed by your orthodontist.

How Do I Brush My Teeth While Wearing a Herbst Appliance?

We encourage all of our patients to brush their Herbst appliance with their normal toothpaste and toothbrush combination. Patients can opt for a fluoride mouth rinse after brushing in order to make sure that all of their teeth's exposed surfaces are adequately protected while wearing it.

How Does Wearing a Herbst Appliance Feel?

A Herbst appliance will feel mildly unusual in the mouth at first, but patients quickly adapt to the new hardware realigning their jaw. During the initial placement, the patient can typically expect to feel the Herbst appliance on their tongue and on the inside of their cheeks. However, speech changes and soft-tissue sensitivity tend to go away within the first two weeks of wear.

Correcting Your Bite Alignment

Continued treatment with other appliances will be essential to the ultimate outcome of your treatment in the event of pronounced jawed discrepancies. At Fruge Orthodontics, we consider both orthodontists and patients as partners in a quest for the perfect smile, and we seek mutual cooperation and participation to make the process smooth and easy. If you're ready to elevate your smile or realign your bitegive us a call or email today to learn more about our services and what our talented team can do for you!

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We’ll answer all of your questions, provide a personalized treatment plan, and work with your insurance and finances to find a solution that works for you. Ready to schedule your complimentary consultation with our orthodontists? Request a callback and we’ll reach out at a time that works best for you.

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