For appointments, call (225) 292-6991. Serving Baton Rouge, Gonzales, Denham Springs, and New-Roads
Attention Fruge patients! We are excited to announce our summer contest this year *drum roll please*…….. A T-Shirt Design Contest!! We are giving you a chance to design our next t-shirt concept for Fruge Orthodontics. We want to see YOUR inner artist! With all of the amazing shoe designs from our last contest, we know our patients have an eye for design, so we would love to see what you’ve got!
The rules are as follows:
1. You have to be a current Fruge patient to enter the competition
2. You MUST follow the theme of MOVIES/TV SHOWS
3. You MUST incorporate our logo (the green Fruge Smile)
Here’s how to enter:
Step 1. Grab a template from our office when you come for your appointment or CLICK HERE to print the template at home. Be sure you write your name on it!
Step 2. Show us what you’ve got! Be as descriptive in your design as possible (i.e. colors, fonts, pictures) and feel free to use stickers, cut outs, and whatever else your imagination comes up with to best express your design.
Step 3. Submit your template either in the office or email a picture of it to with the subject titled “Tshirt Contest” with your full name in the body of the message.
The winner will be chosen via a poll conducted on Facebook the first week of September where our followers vote on the top 5 designs chosen by the doctors. The winner will get to work with a designer to finalize their design concept before it is sent off to be printed. We look forward to seeing what you come up with, and good luck! #frugesmiles #weloveourpatients