Tips for Braces- Pain Relief

Braces are one of those treatments that can feel like a very long and painful road! Yes, you know that the end result is worth the discomfort, it can be difficult to withstand the pain some days. Here at Frugé Orthodontics, we understand that not every day is an easy one when it comes to wearing braces. Follow these tips to help get through the rough days, and know that your new, beautiful smile will be worth it!

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Take care of your teeth - regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing will help to keep food from settling between your brackets and gums which will help you to avoid pain and discomfort.

Use orthodontic wax - when your gums and the sides of your mouth get scraped by your braces, you can experience a lot of pain and discomfort. Wax can help to create a buffer between your hardware and your mouth to help avoid this scraping.

Try a warm rinse - rinsing your mouth with warm water can help to ease any pain that you are experiencing. This can also help you to feel calmer and less anxious about your braces.

Topical ointments - products such as Orajel can help to numb away the pain and discomfort that can be caused by braces. This is especially helpful following appointments when your wires are straightened and/or tightened.

Soft foods and liquids - as much as you may love crunchy and chewy foods, your mouth will feel a lot better if you avoid them when you're wearing your braces. Stick with foods that are easy on your mouth and gums.

The team at Frugé Orthodontics is here to help you get through your braces experience! Feel free to call us with any questions, concerns, or problems that you may be experiencing during your orthodontic treatment.

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